RA Smith has the equipment and in-house experience to undertake its own existing services investigations. From obtaining ‘Before You Dig’ information from the BYDA service, and reference to available design and client information, we map all known services within the area of the works and locate and positively identify them using a combination of approaches.
Wand survey for power and active communications cabling is the first step, followed by non-destructive digging utilising one of our two high-capacity vacuum trucks with high pressure water-jetting attachments. The identification is carried out by the crew who will complete excavation and installation works, so ensuring continuity of knowledge throughout the operation.
RA Smith can also offer ongoing maintenance and clean-out of GPT units, whether installed by our team or by others. The 2 vacuum trucks for Non-destructive Digging can also be utilised for cleaning, and we also own and operate a more traditional ‘Road Sweeper’ vacuum truck providing greater capacity to support your requirements.
When undertaking cleaning operations, litter is sorted, placed in bins and disposed at a Licensed Waste Management Facility and Waste Logs are kept as a means of tracking materials, and dockets can be forwarded to the customer for use in their Environmental Management System.